
By dreaming

Scenes from the day

It was a lovely Thanksgiving and a delicious dinner, including Sarah's corn spoonbread, everyone's favorite dish (I had thought it was just mine.)  Turkey, stuffing, gravy, salad brought by cousin Josh, cranberry sauce made by Lex, salmon brought by cousin Diane, sweet potatoes with chestnuts, pumpkin pie (I got to take home the little bit left over) and two types of tiramisu made by our dessert specialist, Nick.

The twins played noisily, although I was able to read to them twice, and Levi, who has grown so much!, played with everything he could get his hands on.  The male portion of the family watched the Seahawks get slaughtered on the field.  The twins painted at their little table.  It was all a little overwhelming but good nonetheless.  Already looking forward to next Thanksgiving.  I hope all of your celebrations were joyous ones.

And now a day off tomorrow!

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