
By Ellaphant

Let's Go!

Nan and Flynn and Son picked up AW and they all left at about 19.20 to attend tonight's football match between our town and the team from the provincial capital.  Our town won!  One of the few precious times it scored a win.  The two youngsters were so exhausted they fell asleep almost immediately upon their return to the car, which was snugly warm compared to the almost gale-force winds and rain that assailed them during the game.  They had managed to book seats high up under the roof, and everyone was well wrapped up in the club colours, but it was cold nonetheless.  After they deposited AW back home, they took a full pot of AW's pea soup with them, plus some chocolate letters.

A day of MOOCking, kitchen duties, and some colouring.  Pamuk is taking a break while I finish the last course, which I work on till late at night, after which I'm often too tired to absorb his Istanbul ruminations.  Earlier, AW submitted a urine sample and took a blood test, following an annual invite from the clinic.  We're not worried about the outcomes.

I keep forgetting to mention that we didn't have any Thanksgiving dinner, and we've never had one as we do not subscribe to that tradition, just as we do not subscribe to Xmas.  We are thankful each and every single day for many things.  At this moment, I am in any case particularly thankful to a very patient Viking for continuing to work for me despite the fact that he's had to shell out out of his own pocket for about two months now.  I owe him one... and two, three, four as well.

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