
By Ellaphant

Late Rhods

Rhododendrons in November!  Amazing!  They'll be out in a day or two, at least those that had already opened.  There are still a handful of unopened buds, though.  Terribly late in the year!  Or do they think it's already spring of 2024?  Maybe they're time-travelling rhods?

Took a short walk up to two blocks away just to shoot this.  It's on the walking route to the shopping hub, spotted two days ago when I had to do errands.  Other than that, the cold, wet weather has kept me at home, and the MOOC as well.  In fact, I've been terrifically busy with it.

And did you know that in Scotland there's a football organization called Football Memories for folks with Alzheimer's?  'Gosh, what on earth am I doing here in the middle of the pitch?'  Seriously, I think it's a fantastic initiative, together with all the other forms for various disabilities, and it has won a handful of international awards, too.  The ways people can help each other is heartwarming.

Thankful for this 'down time'.  There'll be enough to do and catch up on once the weather is fair again... whenever that will be.  :D))

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