All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Today started off with a grumpy Ethan. He has been going to bed much later than usual since we've been here and although he is also waking up later, it's not late enough to compensate for the late nights.

We were going to Forres today and on the way, stopped off in a country lane near RAF Lossiemouth so he could watch the jets flying over. That did at least keep him happy for a while! I also thought he'd enjoy exploring nearby Duffus Castle, but it soon became clear that I was enjoying it more than he was!

He then fell asleep on the way to Forres but when he woke was crying and complaining of a very sore head. A trip to a chemist, a dose of calpol and time spent in a playpark seemed to help though!

We went to visit my schoolfriend, Kathleen, whom I haven't seen since we left school 23 years ago! Good to catch up and hopefully neither of us have changed all that much!

Then off to visit hubbies friend John on his farm. He took us in his 4wd into the field with the cows so Ethan could get up close with the calves. Ethan didn't seem so sure about this though. However, what he loved was when John took him for a ride round the farm on 2 of his tractors - this went down VERY well with Ethan!

The 4 of us then went for a meal at a pub in Findhorn before a stroll along the beach to see how close we could get to some basking seals (not very it turned out, as they were seperated from us by a stream which was too deep to wade through).

Lovely afternoon and evening although another very late night for Ethan by the time we got back to the cottage!

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