All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The train driver

When I checked the weather forecast for the next 2 days last night, it said rain due for most of the weekend. So we were debating whether to cut short our holiday and whether we should drive home today, but decided to play it by ear today.

This morning we went down to the beach to do some rockpooling ... didn't find much apart from a few dead crabs but Ethan enjoyed it!

By lunchtime, there was no sign of the forecast rain ... in fact it was looking remarkably dry and sunny! So we drove to Keith and took Ethan on the Keith to Dufftown Railway. They were holding a 1940's themed weekend with unexploded bombs on the platforms, identify cards for the passengers which then got checked on the train, people dressed up in 1940's costumes, Red Cross carriages etc. Great fun. They even let Ethan sit in the drivers seat and pretend to drive the train!

After that, we set off to find Findlater Castle. The information I'd read about it said it was on a precarious position on the edge of a cliff ... when we finally found it and walked down to the cliff we realised they weren't kidding! If it had just been hubbie and I, we would have scrambled down the path to explore, but it was just far too dangerous to even consider taking Ethan down, even though he made it clear this was a castle he DID want to look around!!

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