All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


When Ethan woke up this morning, the first thing he said was "Mummy, I don't want to go home today"! I think it's fair to say he has loved our wee mini break in Cullen!

After tidying up the cottage, we decided not to go straight home, but stopped off at Landmark in Carrbridge. It wasn't as good there as we thought it would be based on their website, but we still had fun. Ethan really enjoyed the log flumes which was surprising cos he hated them at Peppa Pig World last month! He was upset though when the staff wouldn't let him go on the roller coaster cos he was 1cm too short!

Back home early evening but as Ethan had a mammoth sleep in the car on the way back, we didn't bother putting him to bed till much later than usual. I didn't expect the battle we had though ... he really didn't want to sleep in his room by himself ... he has obviously got used to sleeping in the same room as us over the past few nights!

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