
By NickyH

# 533

After a discussion with Lazooligirl this morning about the frustrations of trying to photograph things that move, I decided I'd had enough of chasing bees around the garden and trying to get a five year old boy to keep still. So I decided to stick with an inanimate object, just to make my life easier.

So here you have a piece of jewellery. Again. It sat perfectly still for me, glistening in the lightbox, and did exactly what I asked. I didn't have to keep running away from it in the fear of it stinging me, and there was no trying to bribe it to keep still for more than two seconds at a time whilst it complained it was bored.

That is why I love jewellery. Or most things that keep still, to be fair.

Thank goodness Monday is ready to bite the dust. I'm on the countdown to the weekend already...

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