
By ayearinthelife

A Change Is Gonna Come

I made the mistake of trying one of the new Fender “Highway” acoustics in R&T Music this morning. I say “mistake”, because I now want one but do not have the finances to buy it or the space to keep it.
So, one - or more - of these will have to go. But which one(s)? Almost certainly the Yamaha acoustic as I’ve never really got on with it since I bought it. Probably the Ibanez acoustic bass, as I can’t see any situations in the next twelve months when I would use it. But almost definitely not my Telecaster. Despite mainly playing bass these days, I just can’t bear to part with it as it was my first electric guitar, I’ve done quite a few mods to it and it just looks, feels and plays better than any other electric guitar I’ve owned. And I’ve owned plenty, as regular readers of this journal will be aware!
Not really done anything else though today. A bad crash on the A590 meant it took me almost two hours to get from Kendal to Barrow (normally 40 odd minutes) with several attempts at detouring around the crash being thwarted by the sheer volume of traffic trying to do the same. I eventually extricated myself from the snarl ups and got to Barrow via the coast road from Ulverston. Coming home, I learnt that the main road was likely to be closed for at least five hours, so it was back down the coast road - behind everyone else doing the same!
I had great plans of doing more gardening this afternoon but, by the time I’d arrived home and had lunch, it was just too late and too cold, so I spent the rest of the afternoon dealing with emails, bringing all the various calendars we use up to date (really must try and streamline that operation) and playing sundry guitars as I agonised over what was staying and what could go…

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