The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Woodland Garden (Thursday 30th November 2023)

I haven't been very photographically minded this week, instead busy with mainly indoor activities, though I have journeyed to Chippenham and back for an NHS eye-screeening, and on foot to the local surgery where the stomach pains I have been complaining about to them for three years or more have finally been recognised as a hernia, as had I suspected and suggested all along.

The Woodland Garden trees are looking quite threadbare now, with the leaves mostly carpetting the ground. The pond and all other liquid surfaces were covered in ice for the first time of this season today, but had thawed by the time I took this snap, as the light was fading.

Thursday 30.11.2023 (1859 hr)

Blip #4003 (#3753 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #000
Blips/Extras In 2023 #208/265 + #089/100 Extras
Day #4997 (1186 gaps from 26.3.2010)
Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day #3143 (#2983 + 160 in archived blips)

Woodland Garden
Autumn series
Flora series
Leaves series

Taken with Pentax KS-1 (Blue) and Pentax HD P-DA 35mm F2.8 macro prime limited lens

Lozarithm's Lozarhythm Of The Day:
The Pogues - Sally MacLennane (recorded live, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, for
The Tube, 11 January 1985)
R.I.P. Shane MacGowan (25 December 1957, Pembury, Kent - 30 November 2023, Dublin)
I probably wouldn't have taken a blip today had I not heard of Shane MacGowan's death this morning, which couldn't go unremarked. Here he is in healthier times on Channel 4's live music programme The Tube.

One year ago:

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