
By Pinkhairedlady

First snow

Very chilly this morning and a bit slippy underfoot. We had around an inch of snow overnight and it’s pretty much all still lying as it didn’t really warm up very much. Lots of drips from the trees though.

We cleared the snow from our shared driveway before taking Phin to Dalkeith for a walk through the woods. It was rather bracing.

I defrosted the last of the beef from last Christmas and made stovies for dinner (stovies is leftover beef (or sausages or nothing) added to sliced potatoes and onions and boiled until all cooked together. I usually add stock but you can use leftover gravy). Filling and stodgy, just what was needed today.

Mr PHL has headed off to his art class, rather him than me going out again into the cold! I’m quite happy sitting inside in the warmth.

Good news today as my refund from our energy supplier hit the bank account.

A rather natural abstract of footprints in the snow on the deck. Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

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