Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

And that ladies and gentlemen is a George the IIII groat. I'm intrigued that he is IIII and not IV, does anybody know why? It's slightly larger than a silver thrupenny and smaller than a sixpence. Today I finally got all the stuff back into my china cabinet. It's still a guddle but I did find some interesting things, including the groat. I also selected, or deselected possibly would be more apt, some stuff (only about 20 things) to go to the charity shop. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all the stuff in the bedroom that came out of the similarly full cabinet upstairs which I recklessly gave away!
I went to the baptism of 22 month old non-identical twin girls this afternoon. It was fun! Watching the parents trying to hold the second one over the font when she'd seen what had been done to her sister. Lots of smiles and laughter and the devil was definitely evicted, lol.
This evening we gave in and had a Chinese carry out sitting in front of the fire, I do miss my coal fire at times. We then finally got around to watching episode 3 of the new Shetland series. It always amuses me too see what a small pool of Scottish actors are used. I think most of the cast of Guilt and Hamish MacBeth are in there.
Stay warm folks I think we've quite a few more days of cold weather ahead of us.

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