Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

more money

Can you see a theme there, lol? This coin is not nearly as long lasting as yesterday's! Made by Lindt and behind the second door in the Advent Calendar it soon disappeared. Thank you for the comments on yesterday's groat. It is in good condition for its age isn't it.
Today I was up early to post a birthday card and was a little taken aback to see our sprinkling of snow. It hadn't frozen though so I was able to clear the car quickly using the big brush from the kitchen.
Card posted, I did a quick shop ending up with some tasty looking puff pastry mince pies from Baynes. Ali and Josie had arrived by the time I got back and we all agreed they were rather good when warmed up and served with coffee.
They stayed till just after lunch then went home to decorate their tree. They are having an artificial one again this year, so I gave her one of Nadinepierce's Christmas Tree scented wax melts to make the house smell more Christmassy. It's only the third time in her life she's had an artificial tree, she's having withdrawal symptoms she says.
Katy and the girls had adventures today, they drove down to Gala this morning to take Isobel to a birthday party fortunately she tells me, the roads were clear. This afternoon they drove back and Isobel had a ski-ing lesson at Hillend. What a day for Katy and Eilidh to have to hang about at Hillend. Fortunately Eilidh found some friends and they built snowmen and threw snowballs with a half time break for hot chocolate. Rather them than me.
I was delighted to find some left over cooked mince in the fridge this evening - are other people surprised by the contents of their fridges even though they are the one that put things into it in the first place? Happens to me all the time! There was some left over mashed potato too so a cottage pie called out to me, I'd just put it in the oven when I remembered that the large tub of Greek yoghurt actually contained left over mashed turnip from our St Andrews nights Haggis fest. Perfect. Now that's the sort of cooking I like. Sadly apart from a Josie sized portion of mince which I put in the freezer that's the left overs finished, so it will be proper cooking for me tomorrow. Life would be much less interesting if I planned.
Episode 4 of Shetland tonight. I'm not convinced by Tosh I have always found her a little less than thrilling. A big role for her though, hopefully she'll relax. Good if rather far fetched story line. I wonder what Ann Cleeves thinks of it.

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