
By Arachne

Today's count

Friday morning is yoga class. I don't actually enjoy it - I endure an hour a week for the sake of my health but this morning my mind as well as my body was screaming 'No'. Actually my mind was suddenly obsessed with finding out whether it could work out the best two starting words for Wordle by analysing all the words so far and looking at the frequency of each letter in each position. I'm not a programmer (though I did do some simple programming long ago) but I managed to work out the frequency in about two hours using Word and Excel. By which time the yoga class had finished. Smiley icon.

And just as well because the next ping in my brain was the need to move my big pile of pavers that the builders unaccountably left in next door's garden. The neighbours and I are pretty laid back about territory but the fence between our gardens (we have pallets, for now, which keep out their dogs but not the badger) is due to be built in 11 days' time at the same time as the paving for my patio. So we agreed access for me to retrieve the pavers. I cleared space on my side of the boundary then went into their garden and started throwing them over. 

They look pretty similar but there are subtle differences which matter if I'm going to use them in the patio so once there were enough on the ground that throwing more risked damaging them, I went back to my garden and sorted them into piles. I managed five lots of chucking bricks over the wall before I was exhausted and I'm sure it would have been fewer if I'd worn myself out in the yoga class.

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