
By Angelique

'It's a dogs Life'!!- starring the new Prima Donna

Well you see hear Phoebe, obviously sun bathing on the garden path. Why she has chosen this particular place I'm not sure.

Look closely you will be able to see she is wearing my socks and a pair of my underpants. Why, you might ask? Well after a trip to the vets to check her progress this morning before going to work, I was told she was a bit of a 'Prima Donna'. Certainly looks like it here.

She has been scratching her wound (she was speyed on Friday), with her left back foot, walking around on three legs. The cats were very puzzled!!

So after being told to apply cortizone cream to the scratched area, I was told to put my socks on her and to cover the area over. I was short of time, and after wrestling with her, socks/sticky tape/wriggling dog/growls/knashing of teeth. This is the result!!

I did think it a little undignified of such an expensive animal, but I also thought we should go for the humour angle today. We have another week to go before the stitches are removed. I have a feeling I will be going through this procedure quite a few times!!!

Thanks for dropping by.

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