Starling Squabbles at ...........

.......... six in the morning!!!

Suet on his beak!!

They are all here again - we seem to be the local choice for breakfast each day for the adult, juvenile and newly fledged starlings ..... the poor sparrows are not getting a look-in!!

Screeching and squawking woke me up so, like any good blipper, I hotfooted it down the stairs and into the kitchen with my camera ........ this shot is rather "noisy" (but so were the birds - lol - sorry) and also a bit blurry but they were really moving fast, it was taken through the window and I cropped it hard.
(The only thing in focus is actually a stationary starling's bum!!)

NIKON D5200 : f/4.8 : 1/640" : 86mm : ISO 800

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