
By Topsyturvy


These three were busy with the important business of grazing as I turned down our track. 

On long car journeys, one of the games we played with a bored daughter was spotting sheep in the passing landscape. A cry of "Sheeeeep!" won a point. Not exactly a demanding game, but one of those silly family things that we still do when driving along!

Today's winter golf was interestingly random with frosty greens, a brief and uncomfortable hail shower and balls bouncing every which way on landing. It's rather appropriate that I won the competition today I felt; rather more luck than judgement involved!

Back home, Chris is still feeling rotten and achy so spent a lot of the day resting. Berry and I had a walk up the hill and the extra is a view down to the golf course and the harbour below. The temperatures had risen a bit by then and now the ice and frost have disappeared with some heavy rain showers. Not very pleasant. 

The Christmas cards are now done after a pleasant afternoon at the fireside. It'll be a light supper for us both and then bed. 

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