June Challenge: Day 17 ...


After such a busy day yesterday, I was hoping for a little reprieve. But it was not to be.

After my support group meeting R & I stopped by the Bethlehem Public Library to possibly get a blip. There is a small statue out front that is of three young girls dancing. I was hoping that one of them would be laughing. But, no!

A couple of weeks ago I had read that there was a geocache located in the library. It is a two parter and we had found the first part last week. The second part is in the library so we had to wait until the library was open. It took us a while to find the cache, but we finally did. After which I looked up laughing in the card catalog (the computer now!) and found this book with laughing in the title. Blip done! Not a very good one, but done!

That's R's hand, by the way!

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