Drink more Coffee

Concluded on our current survey site this afternoon.

A suggestion made to me a wee while ago was that perhaps I drunk more coffee than was good for me. I have cut back on this advice (the coffee not the advice) but if I come in from the fresh air and sit down at the desk I feel the concentration waning and the eye lids getting heavy. I have just made a cafetiere of the full strength stuff and it definitely makes a difference. Precisely what is the RDA for this beverage? I'd swear even the blip upload speed is better with such a boost. It is going faster today than I have seen it in a long time.

Our site was close to the scene of the "Appin Murder". Its funny when you drive around the Lochaber area you are never far from some significant geographic point in history. I wish I knew more.

It has been dull, over cast and warm. I think this shady river bank shot gives you the idea. And the midges were hellish!

I Intended to say go large and see the wild Garlic

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