
By HareBrain

Blip 'n' go

Worked late so just a quick blip of one small bee doing what bees do best and he buzzes better in large.

Well, what did I say a week ago when Lorraine told me her awful news, and also thinking about AnniBScotland. I said I would never complain about going to work again ..... and now, I have to go to work tomorrow on my day off .... I am not complaining, I'm not complaining, I'm not ............. but just, yuk.

I'm behind on everything yet again, housework, the garden, the IRONING, more importantly blip commenting and learning more about how to take better photos!!!

I wish I could totally agree with the following:-

My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you? ~Erma Bombeck

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. - Anonymous

Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it. - Anonymous

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