and through the wire...

By hesscat

La La Land

Our last day in LA, after breaky we went to the beach for a paddle before heading off for the Warner Bros Studio Tour 22 miles away… did I say LA is vast?

We’ve driven past many studios so far, it has been surprising to see them situated right next to normal city buildings, houses, shops etc. Some with the classic water towers you recognise from film intros.

Our 2 hour tour was with 10 other people and we got taken around various backlots (outdoor sets/buildings) that have been reused for many different films, just redecorated or with different faces. People were working on different sets for upcoming filming. It was fascinating to hear what parts of sets were used in which films. Of particular interest was the house in Gremlins where the old lady gets whizzed up the stairlift and flies out the window, an excuse to watch that again!

Then we were driven through a warehouse where all they did was build up sets for frontlots (indoor sets) and carpenters were busy at work. Next up, a props warehouse, wowee, millions of random props, all filed in groups, with multiple duplicates if required. That must need some filing/recording system!

Last part of this bit of the tour was through a frontlot, for a tv series, seeing how things are laid out and adjusted.

Then it was on to various museum type displays covering all aspects of filmmaking, photo opportunities and a visit to the Friends fountain. We spent over 4 hours there and both loved it.

Alas it was an hour’s drive to the airport and begin our journey home.

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