Sir Picanuper Troll

By SirPicanuper

The Three Wise Faloophem'nai

Gleetings ! Gravesend calling !

Here Is Some News.

So, Sir Picanuper had enjoyed his splendible elevenses when he is told that a delegation from The Slime has come ! They answer his call ! For Sir Picanuper did say, across the airwaves and so that all could hear that were not too stupid to do so, quote: “There Is Peril upon the World, like Blue Meanies except worse ! Mayday, Mayday !”

The Faloophem’nai have sent their wisest to speak with Sir Picanuper.

“Hmmm…” says Sir Picanuper, considering. “They are a bit fiendish, grimly so, aren’t they ?”
“They say they have mended their ways, a bit…”
“Oh, well. I did ask. I shall speak with them.”

“We are the Three Wise Falopphem’nai !” says the first one.
“Yes !” say the second and third. It is unanimous. A good start.
“These are grinning Faloophem’nai…” says the first, indicating the others. “We are learning to be carefree, happy and vivacious, also frivolous and so on. This is difficult when you live in strong smelling slime.”
“Yes.” agrees Sir Picanuper, sagely.
“We can tell you Stuff…” says the first Faloophem’nai, tapping his vestigial nose.
“I see…” says Sir Picanuper. “And you would us to tell you Stuff in exchange ?”
“Yes !” says the first Faloophem’nai, vehemently. “Jokes ! Funny ones, bad ones; not too smutty, mind. We will teach ourselves to laugh and Have Fun. And in exchange we will instruct you in our Sneaky Ways, which are legendary.”

Therefore has Sir Picanuper concluded a Legally Binding Treaty with the Faloophem’nai and invites all who stand against dastardliness to join in and Make It All Better ! Hurrah !

You do not have to live in smelly green slime !

Walk Tall !

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