lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo


Today was another crappy day. It's been a crappy week so far which has made me stressed. After a stressful birthday, this morning I was alone covering for my whole team while various people piled on the pressure with their inane concerns which suddenly became urgent as soon as the relevant person in my team had left the building. Tomorrow I'm on my own again. Today I had a minor melt down and had to go outside and watch the bees on the blackberry bushes behind work to calm me down.

After work I was exhausted and still feeling stressed and angry. I decided to try to change my mood rather than wallowing in negative feelings. I got changed and went for a walk in the park to see how the ducks were doing. I finally saw some local ducklings - better late than never. These ones were quite young and anxiously following their mother. There were some slightly older ducklings on a nearby bit of river which were more adventurous but still staying close to their mum. Watching the ducklings did help to improve my mood. They should prescribe this on the NHS.

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