
And it was. But wait...There's more, as the TV ads always say, and there was, as the Boss loaded me into Suzz and we went to THE VETS. Oh I just love this place. You see there is this lady with a box of treats. And if I sit nicely or even not nicely or even don't sit at all there are treats. Well I did sit nicely and she shot me. That's what The Boss said anyway. I had to get my shots. So I did, AND my weight was perfect and I was in Grrreat shape and everyone at THE VETS watches Tussocktales AND the next bag of grub is FREE AND The Boss was so excited that he was going to buy me lots of new toys.....NOT. Oh.
Well the treats were nice anyway.

Then we went for the short (non stick) walk which finished up by the lake so out came the phone and there was some sticks too, so all's well that ends with a stick and a blip I recon.

The outside temperature is 3c and The Boss says it may sno but it hasn't yet. It's just raining all the time and before it got was indeed.....grey.

NOW....What happened yesterday was pretty amazing and it was all YOUR fault. You collectively sent "Winter Light" into the stratosphere AND I wasn't there when it got clunked. So how can I claim kudos for this? I am shocked but The Boss is so chuffed that I will forgive everybody as something good is bound to come my way and I am so pleased that he is over the to bark and as I type this the main motor still seems to be firing. You are a wonderful lot. Yes indeed....WOOF!!!
....................................Thank You.............................................

It was really quiet when we shot this. It was still raining but there seemed to be a heavy feeling and there was NO ONE on the track. They were all very sensible and sitting up reading a nice book by the fire.

P.S. The storm is already making it's mark as the bread dept in the supermarket was completely empty with a large sign explaining that no bread arrived today so stiff cheese. The cheese looked OK tho when The Boss checked it out later. What a relief.

See the ducks...No? Oh sorry.

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