Northern Exposure

By Northern


Most of the day was spent up at the Fossil & heritage centre, where I was sorting out a couple of things in the displays and meeting with some people in the morning over a coffee about some other work stuff. I did head home at lunchtime only to be hijacked and taken back to the museum by a couple of stray blip heros who MADE me go and eat cake. Great to see them and have a good chat. Seems like only a few weeks since LadyF was here last.

The pic has very little to do with my day. Or rather it does, but only because I managed not to take any other pics and I was in the shed talking to the boys whilst they were knocking lumps out of the punchbag. The giant poster was my birthday present from the boys and it hangs over the area of the shed where I practice tai chi in inclement weather so that I can be inspired by my martial arts hero.

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