για συναδέλφους σπασίκλες

December 15, 2021: A handwritten letter written on the first page of my first mindfulness journal with David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me book's last page in the background

December 15, 2022: THORRON prepping before T's Third grade Christmas party

Caption of this same image from my main IG posted 7 hours ago in Philippine Standard time: 

No water from PWSS the entire day.
Gramps has a conspiracy theory about it as _________ opens today. As a consequence @ronalvarado12 and myself took turns with our water pump. Despite the fatigue, am still grateful for all the unsaid etcetera.

Here's @thorin_gael decompressing in one of our gardens. Heard he's now into @terraria_logic while still occasionally playing @roblox with his cousins.

Blip alternative on Tumblr: B's Ifrit figure double exposed to 2021's blip (**double exposure done via Photoscape X's overlay feature: opacity and blend modes are easier to control on a bigger screen however the same effect can also be achieved via Snapseed in your smart phone)

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