Sir Picanuper Troll

By SirPicanuper

Scientific Method: Deflection.

Gleetings ! Gleetings from Gravesend, Hurrah Hurrah !

So, Sir Picanuper does call in his Mad Scientists to Find Stuff Out, like Can Laughter Be Used As A Tactical Weapon To Avoid Conflict, hmmm ? Well, it can.

In Gravesend, no-one is more miserable than Bart, except his Cat, they scowl and hiss and go about being party-poopers, all the time, although they are kindly souls really and love their mums. Sir Picanuper tells them, go to the Laughing Chamber and Dr. Nuts will assist you in Scientific Research.

Dr. Nuts is an internationally famous Scientist and he is seeking to establish by the appliance of science how cowboys laugh, if indeed they do laugh. This is his life’s work; he has a Theory and now is his chance to put it to the test: that’s how you do Science.

Dr. Nuts lectures Bart and the Cat at length: in fact, for two days. But they are well prepared, for of course Science is a serious Thing to do and if you do it wrong, kazowie ! Bart is beginning to feel threatened and draws his six gun…!

“And I can tell you, in conclusion, Piers Morgan is an honest fellow and didn’t do no wrong, ever.” says Dr. Nuts, animatedly.

There is silence. Ahhh – the Cat gets it ! Bart looks on, bewildered…

“Dang !” he says. “Dang. Say that again !”

“That Piers Morgan is an honest fellow and didn’t do no wrong, ever.”

“Dang ! ...Piers Morgan...Haw haw haw ! Haw haw haw haw haw haw ! Haw haw haw HAW HAW HAW HAW !!! HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW !!!!!!!!!”

Dr. Nuts is forced to go to a quiet room, where he strokes his chin. He has proved his theory. He will write a Learned Paper and be published worldwide. He will attach a list of stupendously ridiculous statements to deflect….

“Cor !” thinks Dr. Nuts. “I am a blimmin genius !”

Walk Tall !

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