Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

That's not my house!

It's decorations are too..........(add your own description) Those with children/grandchildren etc of a certain age will recognise that phrase. The authors have made a fortune from it.
I spotted this little show while picking up some free dolls clothes from a local FB group. The lights were flashing and changing colour rapidly all the time. I'm glad I don't live opposite, but they've obviously put a lot of effort into their display.
I woke at 7. 45 this morning to the sound of the two year old singing in her cot. Deck the Halls to begin with followed by Old MacDonald who keeps a variety of animals, then the first two of the twelve days of Christmas in repeat, she obviously doesn't know why more - yet! I went through at 8. 15 having had a wake up coffee, she was still happy and ready to get up. Her mum arrived after breakfast and I was able to report that she was in great form .
I popped out briefly after lunch, mainly to get cranberries to make another batch of sauce. I have to report empty shelves in both Sainsbury's and Lidl, the latter said they hadn't got them in yet. I remarked, that yet was rapidly becoming too late.
Success in M&S though so this will clearly be a superior batch!
Josie is here again tonight, on a planned sleepover, her mum and dad planned to have an evening together with no assistance from a two year old. She came in completely happily, I had thought she might have been a bit disgruntled having been here last night, but no. She's enjoyed playing with some of my tasteful decorations, especially this one, bought 14 years ago lol. (Extra) The tip of the hat waggles about and it sings Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, when you press the start button - just in case you wondered. Tasteful to the end, that's me! She had difficulty keeping it on her head, lol.
Oh and that's lametta, HazelH.

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