
By Marionb

Behold the Light!

It returns! And we are going to get more of it every day from now on.... Let the bells ring out! 

Buoyed from my winter blahs and lethargy by a beautiful heartwarming Christmas card in the mail this morning and a heart from Tryfan46, with lifted spirits, I got off my butt, got out my boots, gloves and hat and headed down to the lakeshore for the sunrise.

It was a cold morning of course, but there was a hint of a decent sunrise coming..probably not a spectacular one, but at this stage, any sunrise where the sun is actually visible would be I was encouraged...

My arrival at the lake coincided with that of a young fellow and his dog Jasper...a very enthusiastic and friendly young man who greeted me with a huge smile and invited me to join him on the wharf to watch the sunrise. He says he goes down for the sunrise whenever he can and whenever it looks promising; like me, he can see the sky from his house and checks it out each morning to see whether it will be worth the trip! 

Aha..a kindred spirit!..someone in awe of sunrises and who loves to take photos of them to post his case, on of himself with his dog and often with his two children in front of the sunrise.. He had quite a collection to show me and they were super photos..He then gave me a wee demo of how to do a selfie against the brightening sky - (extra) and because he really added something special to my already upbeat day, I decided to feature him in my main. 

My day was off to a great start and I even had the energy to go shopping! Imagine! To that neat shop my friend Noreen showed me a couple of weeks ago..the shop of "Paper Mache Dog" fame..(extra) where you can find everything you never thought you wanted..or could ever imagine!  

Did I mention that Noreen - of Canceled Christmas Dinner Fame -  has had to cancel her dinner party again this year as she has the flu? She is really getting frustrated and I thought she might like a little surprise Christmas gift - we do not exchange gifts, but this year, methinks she deserves a little treat..and this shop had something she really wanted.. a vintage crystal decanter to put on her mantel...  And yes.. they still had it..and along with it comes a story..the owner said that she sold one to the film prop folks for the series The Handmaid's Tale..(apparently she sells a lot of things to prop departments... I can see why ..heh heh) and told me the scene in which it was maybe Noreen will check that out.. I know she would get a kick out of that! 

All in all, a good day...Is my energy returning? 

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