Sir Picanuper Troll

By SirPicanuper

Green Sherbet, The

Gleetings ! Newsflash, Newsflash !

Beneath Gravesend are tunnels, caves, dank chambers and Great Halls, such as The Deep Place Of Becoming, where ancient magic is invoked when there is need of it. As there is today !

Slyvster Stallonioni, former bulked up movie actor and intellectual runt has fought his way, by the power of his magnificently enhanced muscly physique, to the Deep Place Of Becoming where he will summon Keef, mighty star of rock an’ roll to be the Champion of anti-moggery.

Slyvster sprinkles special powders in the air and the magic there ignites them, Pooong !

“Aiieeee !” cries Slyvster, who had been expecting something like distant heavenly choirs and gleaming ladies in flowing robes.

Keef – for, yes, it is he – smiles his smile.

“Oh, hello…” he drawls. “I am yours to command ! But you must provide Green Sherbert in great amount, of a strength that no mortal being might withstand, else I shall, as it were, un-Pooong and Gravesend will no longer rejoice to the sound of mighty rock n’ roll. So ?”

“Uh, yes, yes...uh, Right On, Tommy !”

And it was so. Gravesend will resound to rowdy guitar, for the foreseeable.

Walk Tall !

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