Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Eye Contact

Eye contact is a tricky thing with animals and many simply avoid it with humans.  Jax, however, is great at direct eye contact which I take as an indication that he isn't threatened or fearful.  He always looks very serious, which is mainly because his brindle markings make it appear that his brow is furled.  It isn't, and he's actually an utter goofball most of the time.  However, when he perceives a threat, he can be quite intimidating.  Last night when I was in the kitchen making dinner, he suddenly burst into hackles and rather ferocious barking.  Once I'd calmed him down, I realized that he was reacting to a fox scream outside.  It is the time of year when they begin vocalizing to mark their breeding territory and it is a sound that raises the hair on my neck as it sounds as if something is being killed.  Interesting that Jax doesn't react to the neighbor's dogs barking but reacts to this.  Ancestral instincts...

I slept late today and then ran some errands in town and did what I hope is all the holiday grocery shopping.  Back at home, I mounted the new lens on the Z8 and took Jax outside for some test shots (this being one).  It's such a lightweight little lens and I think I am going to really enjoy it.  Time to let go of my 28-300 lens (which I almost never use anyway).  

We watched a movie called The Burial last night with Jamie Foxx and Tommy Lee Jones, based on a true story.  We both really enjoyed it - just the right mix of humor and heart.  

My dad is getting some relief from the various meds his doctor prescribed although I suspect he is going to take longer to heal than he'd like.  Soft tissue damage seems to take forever to heal.

As for me, I am practically pain free at the moment.  Very happy about that, and hoping it lasts.  When I was at the store today I asked the pharmacist about something to alleviate the severe dry-mouth that I'm having (side effect of the RA drugs) and came home with a mouth rinse and some special gum that are both supposed to increase saliva production.  It's been frustrating lately as I can't seem to drink enough water to not have my mouth feel like the Sahara.  Silly problem but annoying.

Had a piece of "peppermint bark" dark today - it was very good!


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