By Yorkshirebred

The strange creatures you find in garden centres!

The gales have eased slightly, but still very blustery out there. My daughter was going shopping as soon as the supermarkets opened, so I decided to tag along so that I could buy the heavy items I can't manage to carry home on a bus! I then had trouble sleeping as I was worried that I wouldn't wake up in time.  Must have dozed off around 01:30 and was up again at 05:10.  We got to Sainsbury's just after 6am and it was already quite busy. It takes me a while to get the hang of the self scanners, and the first one I got ran out of charge.  Soon sorted though and we were round, through the tills and back home just after 7am. I put the shopping away and then went up to the garden centre to meet up with some of the people who go to Tittle Tattle as the group doesn't run during the school holidays. The gorilla was just a table away from us - he has quite a disconcerting stare! :-)). The reindeer was in the Christmas tree area and was merrily singing carols! Such things amuse my juvenile mind, so they had to be my blip today :-)

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