Living my dream

By Mima


There might be a bunny or a cat out there. It's always best to be prepared on the launch pad...

Five cheese boxes have been distributed now. Two more to go this evening and tomorrow morning. And tomorrow I'll make a new cheese to start re-filling the cheese cave. 

I was able to show off the cave to G this morning. She helped me in the early days of cheesemaking and it is from her coo-shed that I collect milk each week. She called round for a relaxed coffee and chat (we are normally chatting and gardening simultaneously). And I wasn't going to let her leave before she'd been suitably impressed by the cheese cave. She obliged.

I'm glad she called round, and that we can both do Olympic-standard talking: the weather is not playing ball at the moment and even with an injured finger there are things I'd be doing. If only the drizzle would stop. 

I'll pull on waterproofs and a rubber glove (to keep said finger dry) soon, and venture into the raspberry cage. Whatever the conditions, they have to be picked. So do the broad beans...

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