
By Catbrook

Pizza Party

Saturday night involved some rather legendary pizza/mojito/bokeh-making activities round at Lou's house.

We made four pizzas (but didn't eat them all!)
1. Pepperoni, chili, mushroom, pepper, onion
2. Ham, pineapple, mushroom, onion
3. Goats cheese, mozzarella, gorgonzola, cheddar, onion, sweetcorn
4. Party Pizza (a combination of all of the above + bbq chicken and olives... it was destined for failure having been made in the haphazard manner of an overly-enthusiastic child but was actually really good!!

We made the finest Mojitos outside of Cuba (probably)... lots of mint and lime.... hmmmm

The Bokeh Queen (Lou) made the bizarrest collection of bokeh filters including our names and a duck (not all on the same filter... that would be beyond even the Bokeh Queen). According to my camera, the last photo I took was at 4 o'clock Sunday morning.

Fun night!

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