Dolcezza Della Vita

By Dolcezza

Relaxing Sunday...

Today Camille was showing her jewelry at the Arts in the Park exhibit. I enjoy helping her out - I know she appreciates it and it's a great community event. Camille and I just simply get along - we are constantly making each other laugh. She has helped me get through some bad moments...she is still working her magic. Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm so strong...but she sees right through me and lets me know it's OK to let it go every once in a while and feel, even if it kills. Good and honest people are hard to come across these days...I really appreciate her and her friendship.

I got to meet fellow blipper Zou Clay and her grand daughter today!! What a sweet lady and her grand daughter is so adorable! She gave me a few pieces of her work - two vases (left photo) that were signed in memory of my friend who I lost three months ago, Kenny. Meant a lot to me - such a great act of kindness - really touched my heart. Wish we had more time to talk today - but we were both busy. We will definitely be meeting up this week - maybe go to the garden and take some pictures! Stay tuned!

The couple next to Camille's booth had a greyhound dog with them. First thing the lady said to me was "oh, hes a little shy, doesnt like people". Ha...I never met a dog that didnt like me...even the ones that hate people love me! And he did! Came right up and gave my hand a lick to say hello ;) I fed him a few carrots, so he quickly warmed up! He is a rescue from the race tracks - most are shy and timid, not very well socialized. Lots of pups out today. I miss my dog so much, I get to see him monthly, but still, I miss having a wagging tail greet me every day. If I didnt travel so much I would get one.

And finally, a happy Fathers day to all the dads! I called my father early this morning to say hello. I miss him - hes 1700 miles away and it sucks that I cant be there. But I'll see him in a few weeks. Also got a call from Kenny's brother Jess when I got home. Perfect timing - I needed a good laugh and he definitely cheered me up. We talk every day over email, but it was nice of him to call. Put a smile on my face!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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