stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Bloke in a Kilt

I asked my incredibly gifted friend to do a caricature for me for my upcoming holiday. This he did from a brief description by text and a headshot. He did two versions, a bobblehead and a normal version. Really can't make up my mind which I prefer - they're both brilliant - but I've gone with the bobblehead (no, my head isn't really this size) for here.

I don't normally plug, but it's the least I can do. Iain specialises in pet portraits but as you can see here and on his site his talents go well beyond that. If you ever thought of a bit of art, drop him a line.

Apologies for the lack of commenting recently. I only managed to snatch a few minutes yesterday at lunchtime, but I have been keeping in touch with your journals. I'm afraid it's another blip'n'run tonight (and for the next couple of weeks, I'm afraid) as the Edinburgh International Film Festival opens its doors. I would normally be starting my main two week holiday today with between 30 and 40 films scheduled, but other plans this year - hmmm, what are they? (sorry, I will stop this at some point) - have meant I'll only be going to films at night and weekends. Still managing to fit in 11 between now and the end of the month though!

41 sleeps!

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