Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Shucking Seeds

It is interesting (to me, at least) how different birds go about extracting seed meats from shells.  For example, jays and titmice/chickadees hold the seed in their "hands" and pound the shell off with their beak, extracting the meat.  Finches and cardinals deftly move the seed around in their beak, cracking the shell and using their tongues to push the shell out and keep the meat.  In this shot, the shell had just fallen from the House Finch's beak and he is preparing to eat the meat.  And, yes, I said "he" even though I am not 100% sure.  When you look at this image blown up, you can clearly see red feathers all along it's brow-line which I am guessing makes this a hatch year male that hasn't gotten his finery yet.  I will have to ask some of my more expert friends for an opinion on this.

We had a very enjoyable Christmas which started with pancakes (my husband's specialty) and then a FT call with my parents.  We took Jax for a snifari and then all piled onto the sofa for a short nap.  SIL came over around 4 and we chatted and laughed and lingered over dinner.  I made chicken with orange, cranberries and sweet potatoes - new recipe and very delicious.  After dinner we watched "Moonstruck" which was the perfect light and fun movie for Christmas.  

This morning Jax had his annual wellness check at the vet who pronounced him to be a fine specimen of fitness.  His weight is perfect, his coat is healthy, and he passed all with flying colors.  That said, Hubs and I both had to hold him when the vet gave him a shot - and he was extremely happy to leave afterwards.  He got quite a few dog biscuits during his visit - we aren't above bribing!  Next up is Phoebe on Thursday for her monthly pain injection.  It is making a big difference so we are going to continue it.

I spent some time in the hide today and am now curled up on the sofa with the canine next to me.  I expect one of the cats will be along shortly.  

Happy Boxing Day!


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