
By Brookeside


Today mummy was off work so when I woke up at 6.15 she was all ready for a long day but I fooled her and went back to sleep for 45 mins after my milk. Mum was pleasantly surprised! Then when we got up for good, we got ready and went to baby sensory. It was fun. I stood up loads and didn't even notice when mummy let me go for a bit. Then I had a nap, a yummy lunch and then we went to auntie lori's. mummy had a lot of things to do (for my big special day tomorrow) so she left me with granny, uncle Chris, auntie Lori and my cousins for a little while. While mummy was away I had great fun throwing apples at auntie Lori (and eating a bit!), playing with all of Brody's toys and then spending a while peeking into Brody's Moses basket then eventually trying to climb in with him!! When mummy and daddy came to get me I was really tired so had a nap in the car, salmon for dinner, a wee seat in my new hello kitty chair then bed! Only one more sleep left!!

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