talloplanic views

By Arell

Can I have a bee, please, Bob?

I have an amazing ability to wear out socks, although that might be because I like colourful, stripey socks, and bigger sizes with nice patterns are hard to find; and consequently I wear them too often.  The only solution to the wearing out thing I've found is to buy about eight pairs all the same and let them circulate randomly in use.  The last time I did that, I bought an extra six pairs to keep for later, in case they stopped making them.

These ones, from Mum and Dad who are clearly miracle workers, are much too nice to spoil.  I'm not a beekeeper – I don't have the time – but for several years I was a beeprojectmanager in partnership with EMBA members, so I do know a fair bit about the subject.

I had a quick blast out on Fidra this afternoon.  Lovely blue skies when I got all togged up, grey skies and rain when I got outside of course, and then angry grey skies and cloudburst style rain when I parked up at the motorcentric hellscape of Fort Kinnaird.  I only wanted to buy a pack of pins for sewing (to assist my attempt to mend my shredded rain cover) but you can hardly find basic stuff like that anywhere these days.  I suppose I ought to pick my battles: I don't have to go far to buy any number of drill bits and lengths of two-by-four and mattresses and wardrobes and carpets and pot plants, but pins, and cutting mats and velcro and things?  You can't even get shoelaces anymore!

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