
By Ellaphant

Across the Waters

From far and not so far..... THANK YOU!  These made our otherwise wet and dreary day.  They have joined the others on the 'mantlepiece', which is actually our bookshelf, which is now very familiar to you.

A flurry of laundry duties, kitchen duties, and cleaning duties upstairs.  Overhauled my whole working room a.k.a. study a.k.a. chamber of secrets, with lots of gaming and MOOCking in between.  In short, a full day.  Also took time to watch the national speed skating championships -- we have some promising possibilities for the coming world championships in February.  EU championships will be held next week already.  The various activities cleared my head considerably, but it has already been a rather emotional month, and today, leafing through my wellworn Hans Brinker book, I remembered all the dreams I had, all fulfilled.  Wore myself out gladly till past midnight and enjoyed a bottomless pit of sleep.

Thankful for today and for everything that kept me busy.  Good things all.

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