
By Ellaphant

A Blast!

Due to the rain, which thankfully was not a heavy downpour, we stayed indoors.  No problem, we stood at the skylight in my working room and admired the fireworks from there.  The skylight was very wet, of course, and this resulted in the diffused effect you see here, but I like it a lot because the fireworks ended up looking like alien spaceships from galaxies far, far away.  Three extras!

For the first time in years, the fireworks did not 'feel' like firing squads.  Maybe that's a good sign?

Renewed my MOOC subscription today for a full month, meaning up to 01 Feb, after which I might extend to a second month, but one month at a time and I'll see how things progress.  How busy I have to keep myself will depend on 1) the weather, and 2) the speed of the settlement, but maybe also 3) if I find a new job.  I so so dearly would love to go hunting again.

We had a quiet day at home.  Thankful for new beginnings!

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