
By DJsDailyDose

New year

The start of the new year and a day today set new intentions and goals. In years gone by my goals have mostly been related to running and writing… 2023 my fitness goal changed from running to hitting the gym with the aim of building muscle. It’s been a much tougher journey accepting the fact I would need to gain weight in order to do so.

Now at the start of 2024 it’s time to strip the fat and see what I have managed to build and work towards a body building competition in April/May. So now starts that process. Reducing my calories and increasing my activity. I have already been doing 5 weights sessions a week and now I continue with that and add in 5 cardio sessions a week of 30 minutes. My calories reduce from 2000 a day to 1600 a day… 110 days until the competition.

I also want to write another book. This will be mean consistency and dedication.

So I started the day as I mean to go on. Run and gym session. Went for a walk with my friend Keith and the dog and now to get my laptop out and start to form some words. Let’s do this!

A little quote from my daily mindfulness challenge…

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