
By IronWill2013

A rose with no name

Hard at it again in the garden. Been mulching my paths with all the dead, shredded, woody material which has been building up recently. Netted the cherry trees (nasty birds ate all our cherries last year). Feeling tired. Wish I could just sit back and enjoy the garden for once.

Here's a rant .... so if you're not in the mood, click away now!

I signed up to a subscription of Practical Photography 5 months ago. The magazine is fine, but I far prefer Digital Photo (both published by Bauer). As an existing customer of theirs, I was offered 5 magazines for £5 and a free gift (a 16GB memory card). The magazines all arrived on time, but the gift did not. I have repeatedly asked for my free gift. They "assure" me that the gift was sent on time. They then "assured" me that a replacement gift was sent 28 working days ago, to make up for the one that was clearly lost (or stolen) in the post. They now claim that unless I subscribe for a further 6 months, they will not send me out "another" card, but if I were to subscribe, they would send out one by recorded delivery.

I've had enough of them. Having had the chance to look at the magazine these last 5 months, I've decided that it is not the magazine for me. Full subscription to the magazine for 6 months minimum costs way more than the cost of the free gift. 5 months ago, the sales guy was very pushy to get me to try this magazine. I decided that £5 was "worth a go" and the memory card would always come in useful. I now feel very conned by them.

I've been very patient, but I have now cancelled my subscription with them and will NEVER deal with this magazine again. Shocking customer care skills.

Rant over .... back to the garden for some peace and relaxation.

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