a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Faces in the stone

It's been another day of atrocious weather in the aftermath of the latest storm.  Two of the fence panels in our garden have been blown down and will need replacing, but (fingers crossed) at least the roof tiles are all still there.

The forecast suggested that there might be some dry spells this afternoon, so I popped up onto the Mendips in the hope of getting some late afternoon sunshine on the landscape.  In the event the absolutely torrential downpours caused me to give it all up as bad job.  I managed this shot, just as the first drops of rain hit, and by the time I'd made it back across the field to the lane 200 yards away the water was coming down in torrents.  Thank goodness for the waterproofs.

This was taken on the edge of Dearleap, looking south towards Glastonbury's Tor and the most northerly parts of the flooded Somerset Levels (its much worse further south).

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