Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Colin went up to see his mum today so I got stuck into some tasks around the house. I had particular success with the first I tackled.
The lock on our inner door had been sticking and jamming so I decided to buy a replacement on Tuesday. It's A3 lever sash lock if you are interested, can't imagine you are but anyway, Knowledge is power as they say. At any rate I bought a lock and brought it home to fit. The door it is on is hung so that the lock needs to have its tongue reversed which is not as painful as it sounds. I've done it before no problem.
This new lock is a Yale so a very fine lock. I unscrewed the rear plate and lifted the cover plates off ... and bits of lock flew in all directions. It's spring loaded don't you know - I didn't! All this happened on Tuesday evening I was fairly annoyed with myself and refitted the old lock while I tried to work out various possible solutions. ... Including phoning a lock smith and asking him to come and fit a new lock or going to a lock shop and asking them to reassemble the scattered lock pieces. This morning I decided I was being a wimp and water finding the right combination of words, managed to find a YouTube video. (It's a common problem apparently). Anyway I watched the video, took the lock out, managed the complicated reassembly and the new lock is now good to go.
I was so flushed with my success though, now that I knew what lock levers and spacers were and how they relate to the lock and the key, that not only did I fix the new lock but I adjusted and reset the old lock and refitted it.
I now have a very nice, spare, Yale 3 lever sash lock if you know of anyone who needs one!
My blip is looking towards south towards the centre of town from Goldenacre where I had gone to get some lunch. It was a late lunch and around 3. 45 by the time I finished and took this shot. The lovely blue sky was starting to turn. Dark is definitely later already though, hooray!
I'm looking forward to seeing the two youngest grand daughters tomorrow. Have a good night folks and to my fellow insomniacs, sleep well!

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