Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I rather like using a fingernail for a thumbnail today.
Out for the sympathy vote here.
I fell when going into the hospital on Friday to pick up Stuart. I didn't actually fall I tripped on a damaged pathway and went my length ..
and yes I've taken pics and sent them to the CEO. I am reasonably fit but many folks who use the path out of the car park to the maternity unit are either heavily pregnant or carrying a new born or have mobility issues, so it needs fixed.
Anyway I've broken my pinkie.

The only words needed therefore are these adapted from those by Walter Wingate beloved of all Scots primary children.

The Sair Finger
You’ve hurt your finger? Pair auld Nan!
Your pinkie? Deary me!
Noo, juist you haud it that wey till
I get my specs and see!

Tae X-ray noo–its jist doon there!
Noo, dinna greet nae mair.
See there – I'll tak a picture o'it
Just haud it ower there?

Aye, broke it is – and there’s the chip
Noo, dinna fash yersel.
I'll stick it tae the next yin see..
I’m sure that wasna sair?

And noo, to make it hale the morn,
Yer'll need a wee drop gin
And here's some ice tae cool it doon
Yer finger, nae the gin!

Your finger sair ana’? Ye rogue,
You’re only lettin’ on.
Weel, weel, then – see noo, there ye are,
Row’d up the same as gran!

You can find the original words here.

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