Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Bar Beach car park

Where I am standing here was absolutely packed and there was a huge mob picnicking on the grass listening to a chap singing and playing a guitar.  This was taken on my way to the leash free dog area in King Edward park.   And as it was yesterday, it too was full of picnickers (90% without dogs).  Yesterday I took Maggy elsewhere as I knew she would run up to everyone to say hello and get patted and could be annoying.  Today I thought no, this is a leash free dog area and my dog is getting a run.  And she did.   And she also ran up to everyone to get patted.  I was itching for someone to complain but they must have all been dog lovers because she got a lot of pats and cuddles.  This is a large park with lots of other areas they could go to but for some reason they like to sit and picnic in the dog leash free area.  Some people are very strange.

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