a lifetime burning

By Sheol


There's a firecrest been spotted at [location] said the helpful RSPB chap at Ham Wall, so I duly toddled off to see if I could track it down.  

As you can see from this shot and the extra I didn't find any firecrests.  What I did find were goldcrests and I spent a very happy time trying to get some decent shots of them.  It's not that easy as  they like to root about in the vegetation, and they don't stay still for long.

Before coming home I had another chat with the guide and he confessed that he hadn't actually seen a firecrest himself, and that it was quite possible that the person who'd claimed to spot it had actually seen a goldcrest.  Unless you get a clear enough view to see the strong white stripe above the eye it was very easy to confuse the two with a small fast moving bird.  I forgave him, after all I'd been more than happy just to see the goldcrest, and I've got some shots of them in flight of which the main is one.  

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