Feeling better

By Suziep71

I finally photographed my foxy.

Well think that this is the closest that I will ever get to taking a picture of Foxy Loxy.

There's been quite a few of these characters popping up all over advertising kennel gate. Dogs, cats, rabbits and the fox.
They must be sweating cobs in those suits because when I've seen them they've not stopped jiggling around and waving at people.

Kev told me to wave at them so I did. I said that they are probably laughing at me waving because at least they are getting paid to make a fool of themselves.

The do make a change from the dolmio pizza box people.

We have now arrived on Scarborough and have unpacked and food shopped. It's nice to be in what I call my second home.

We are going out for fish and chips in a bit. Yummy yum yum.

Good thing that happened today -

It's the start of our jollies.

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