A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

I used to know what this is called.

This lovely little flowery plant is growing in a pot in my back garden. Thought it looked lovely in the evening light.

A morning of chores and mam things and then to Hexham to meet T for the most amazing cheese scone in the universe. (I shall return!)

T doesn't have a computer or any other modern invention for that matter. She lost her driving licence, so we sat behind the car out of the wind, trying to order a new one on my phone.
I was asking the questions:
Me: What is your favourite town?
T: Oink
Me: Would you join the organ donor register?
T: Of course.
Me: What do you want to donate?
T: I'm not giving them any money.

We giggled.

Yoghurt purchased in Waitrose Hexham.

Hope you giggled today

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