
By DJsDailyDose

Flower Friday - solitary daisy

I went for a walk at lunch time today in an effort to move more and get fresh air. I thought I would look out for any flowers on my work for today’s challenge and it was surprising how little there was to see. I guess in winter this shouldn’t be such a surprise.

On my way back I spotted some daisies on the grass verge so thought this would have to do!

Played around with it a little and here it is…

Had an interesting chat with a colleague today about baby signing. He has a 19 month old who is just starting to talk and I told him about the signing I did with my two at that age which was so helpful - for the baby and for me. They can communicate well before they are able to speak and signing helps them to do that and lessens their frustration. He found it interesting and said he would certainly pass it on to his daughter. I hope it helps.

Had a run with my friend Brian after work following by a session in the gym and posing practice.

Tomorrow is a check in with my coach and I am nervous about it. I’ve stuck to plan all week and just hope there has been a shift in the right direction!

Now it’s the weekend! Yay!

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